Thursday, July 1, 2010

Finally….a clean car (well, half way there)!!

Well, I could not handle it anymore. My car was so stinkin' dirty there was no way we could drive it to Twin Falls this weekend with it looking the way it does/did. I have simply been spoiled living in the city. We have owned our Excursion for almost 5 years and not one time in those almost 5 years have I ever washed my car myself. Spoiled or lazy?? I like to think spoiled. Living in a large city you have all the amenities in the world….like a guy who will come to your house and wash your car in your driveway, while you tend to you 5 children. Or before there were 5 children, you could drive into Green Valley and drop your car off, walk to a restaurant to get a bite to eat and return to a nice clean car. Well, living in good ole Elko, NV….those amenities do not exist!! Nope…only one guy in town who does car washing and he is totally unreasonable. So, I have not had my car detailed since Kaylee's baby blessing in February. Now, in all the snow, rain, and dirt that it has been subjected to here, you can only imagine what a mess it must be. But to top it all off, when I was heading out to the branding, on a not so nice road of nothing but poof dirt, and drove further than what I needed (cause I got lost), it was a great big moving dirt pile. So, today I cleaned the inside. I started around 2:30 and did not finish until close to 5:00 this afternoon. It looks so nice…so tomorrow I am going to venture to the carwash and work on the outside. I really do miss the guys who used to come to my house to clean it. They were so great to my car!!


kira said...

yeah about clean cars! :) i need a recipe ... something not deep fried, a nice, clean, yummy sandwich ... i'm craving it like crazy ... any suggestions???