Monday, November 16, 2009

The beef has arrived...

Our beef has arrived...and boy oh boy...the freezer is packed :) Love the sight of that. For Christmas this year my mom and stepdad bought Tad and I a half of beef. SO WONDERFUL. My uncle brought over 7 boxes of meat yesterday....7!! Thank goodness we got the freezer fixed. Guess what...we are having pork tonight....oh well. We did have steaks lastnight and they were so GOOD!! Not sure how well it is going to move if we end up doing so but until then...beef is whats for dinner :)

Thank you so much mom and Jessie....We are very GRATEFUL!!!


kira said...

Seriously that is the most AMAZING thing I have ever seen. WOW!!!

Mary said...

That is a wonderful gift! What wonderful inlaws.