Monday, December 14, 2009

5 wonderful children.... it finally HIT me this morning that I have 5 children and 4 under the age of 4. YEP...I AM NUTS!! So, at 7:09 this morning they were all still sleeping and I did not have the heart to wake them up, or maybe I was just enjoying the piece and quiet. That was probably it!! I love quiet time. Anyways. We need to leave the house no later than 7:40 - 7:45 in order to get Tate to school on time. Since he brought home his report card and it showed 7 tardies I have been trying to make it a goal to not have so many. So by 7:15 this morning Shaelee wonders out of bed, then finally I decide to wake up Emilee and Tate around 7:20, but they did not want to get out of bed. It was great. Needless to say he was about 10 minutes late to school this morning and I have not yet made it to Costco today...which was at the very top of my to-do list for today. Now, I am going to go after I get Tate from school....with my 5 wonderful children :) WOW...5 kids!! I cannot believe it!! They are all well worth it though (it's a good thing, too :)