Sunday, October 4, 2009

Our Trip to the Orchard...

So, Tad worked on Saturday and I ventured to the orchard with all the kids. Had I known what to expect I would have liked it better. We went to the Gilcrease Orchard, which is in Las Vegas. I did not know until after I unloaded all the kids that you could drive through it, which I should have done. So between Shaelee saying she is tired and very hungry, and Emilee telling me she can't walk cause she will fall and get hurt, TJ falling asleep and Tate asking 1,001 questions....I HAD ENOUGH. We were there for an hour and all the trees were pretty much picked over. All that is in season right now is Apples, Pears and Pumpkins. People were only leaving there with pumkins. After all that we dedcided it was time to go and meet Daddy for lunch. It was quite an adventure.