Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Autum F.H.E.

We had a GREAT F.H.E. We decided to do a picnic on the family room floor. I put a big blanket on the floor and had finger foods for dinner. We did BLT's cut into quarters, little smokies wrapped in breadstick dough (smaller version of pigs in a blanket), Velveeta salsa cheese dip and chips. It was easy and good.

Afer we ate we read a few stories from th September Friend and then....we played AUTUM Bingo. For the markers I got some of the Branch's Autum Mix (Candy Corns and Pumpkins). It was a lot of fun. Shaelee won the game.

There is this GREAT website called DLTK Kids. It is a great site for all sorts of kid friendly crafty ideas and agreat place to make custom games, such as BINGO, Dominos, Memory. There is a ton of stuff here and it's all FREE!! So...this is where I got the AUTUM BINGO. I printed up 12 so had extras. I laminated mine so that they would last longer with my kiddos. Check it out!!!