Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Pregnancy Countdown...

When we first found out that we were expecting baby number 8 we were VERY excited!! Now that we are nearing the end...WE are still all VERY excited :) My doctor informed me since I delivered the twins before the 38 week (full term for twins) mark that they were still concidered pre-term and the chances of this one coming earlier than my expected delivery date was A LOT Greater!

Round 33 (and a day or two) I went in for my routine check and my blood pressure was 142/91. Crazy high!! So we did blood work and lots of urine test and a mild case of preeclampsia, which I always develop in all my pregnancies, just not this early on. It is always around the 37 + week mark. My weekly appointments started that week. We have had several other appointments in between regular scheduled appointments because of high blood pressure, or lack of baby movement. The lack of baby movement has scared me.

Well, today we are 36 and 4 days. Making lots of progress with dialation and effacing. We are so anxious to meet her and hold her - we are on the countdown!!